viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Me Extraescolar Activities

In my free time I play football with some friends in the park and we improve a lot because us teacher is a very good teacher.
I play also pin-pong with Dani and Pedro other friend of primary school ,the first day we are bad players but now we are more or less good players.

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013


In Amposta we did a lot of activities and we know people of Madrid.
The first day the monitors explain us some rules and the people who do not comply, had a card , the first card is yellow had a warning ,if you had two yellow cards you had a purple card that is a ridycul activitie and if you had two purple cards you have a red card ,the boss monitor must to talk with you some important things.
We had a lot of excursions:
We go to eolic park, we go to the beach...
But my favourites activities were disco activities.
Ahh we did a project about renewable energies a dance, a power point presentation and a presentation and a sing.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

About my

I'm Sergio, I'm 13 years old. I started the school in september and the teachers explain us things about the new year in a bilingual class. They talked us works that we must to do. For example : a sing of renewbable energys ´´Not listen to us´´ or a dance ´´the fox´´. I was funny when I started and I try to inprove my english .

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Hello I´m Sergio I´m a profesional football player .
I play computer games and I´m 13 years old.
My favourite football player is Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro, is a good player the best of the history, Messi is a bad player , he play in catalan team .